GPB Appointed as Agent in Brazil

Exploration teams in Brazil are invited to embark on the energy future with precision and environmental reverence: Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry, reshaping geological exploration in Brazil.

20 May 2024. Rio de Janeiro. 
GPB and Bell Geospace join forces to enhance resource exploration in Brazil. 

We announce the signing of a representation agreement between GPB, a leading firm in representing high-technology companies for natural resource exploration in Brazil, and Bell Geospace, a global specialist in the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of Potential Fields geophysical methods, with a special emphasis on Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry data for natural resource exploration via geological structure definition.

Full Tensor Gradiometry (FTG) measures the rate of change of gravity in all directions of the field, caused by subsurface geology. It maps contact information generated by density contrasts resulting from stratigraphic and structural changes, making it a powerful tool crucial for decision-making in natural resource exploration such as hydrocarbon, geothermal, mineral and natural hydrogen.

About GPB 
GPB Services represent high-technology firms in Brazil dedicated to natural resource exploration. Their expertise in geoscience encompasses a wide array of technological solutions, multi-client surveys, and environmental initiatives. 

About Bell Geospace 
Bell Geospace acquire, process and intepret high resolution airborne data for energy and mineral exploration clients globally. The large scale, complete data sets, help exploration teams operate more efficiently.

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