Global Footprint
In over 25 years of operation, Bell Geo has surveyed in a wide variety of countries and conditions. Below you can see the locations of all our past surveys marked as white dots and the locations of case studies are highlighted with pins. Our ever expanding multi-client data library areas are also highlighted.

Case Study
Multi Client Data
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- Case Study
- Philippines - Foreland Basins
- Indonesia - Thrust/Fold Belts
- Sabah, Malaysia - Basement Mapping
- Norway - Salt Body Definition
- Sarawak, Malaysia - Prospecting
- Sarawak, Malaysia - Carbonates
- Multi Client Data
- Malaysia Multi-Client - Sarawak
- Malaysia Multi-Client - Sabah
- Malaysia Multi-Client - Peninsular
- Permian Basin Multi-Client Programme
- Sri Lanka Multi-Client Programme
- Gulf of Mexico Multi-Client
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Philippines - Foreland Basins
Geological Setting
Foreland Basin
Direct 3D structural mapping of structures with weak seismic response
Indonesia - Thrust/Fold Belts
Geological Setting
Thrust/Fold Belt
Defining the Pelarang Anticline an area of difficulty for traditional seismic methods
Sabah, Malaysia - Basement Mapping
Geological Setting
Basement lithologies of variable composition surrounded by basins on its northwest, north, east and south margins.
Direct 3D mapping of basement structures
Norway - Salt Body Definition
Geological Setting
Nordkapp Basin - Late Paleozoic sedimentary basin with a high level of salt diapirism
Enhance understanding of salt body geometry
Sarawak, Malaysia - Carbonates
Geological Setting
Carbonate build up strutures
Assessing Carbonate Build-Ups and their likely composition
Malaysia Multiclient
3D Full Tensor Gradiometry and magnetic survey data offshore Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, covering 376,000 sq kms.
Directly mapping - Top Basement, Principal Fault trends, Syn-Rift plays, Anticlinal closures, Potential for Shale Diapirism, Carbonate Build-Ups
Malaysia Multiclient
3D Full Tensor Gradiometry and magnetic survey data offshore Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, covering 376,000 sq kms.
Directly mapping - Top Basement, Principal Fault trends, Syn-Rift plays, Anticlinal closures, Potential for Shale Diapirism, Carbonate Build-Ups
Malaysia Multiclient
3D Full Tensor Gradiometry and magnetic survey data offshore Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, covering 376,000 sq kms.
Directly mapping - Top Basement, Principal Fault trends, Syn-Rift plays, Anticlinal closures, Potential for Shale Diapirism, Carbonate Build-Ups
Permian Basin Multi-Client Programme
Geological Setting
Large scale sedimentary basin
Mapping the shallow section with high resolution FTG assist drill hazard analysis and shallow velocity modelling
Sri Lanka Multi-Client Programme
The Sri Lanka FTG Multi-Client Program includes airborne 3D Full Tensor Gradiometry, Gravity and magnetic survey data that will be undertaken over the offshore Mannar and Cauvery basins.
2011 discovery and regional gravity data proves that the Mannar Basin contains basaltic traps, sub basins as well as possible gas leakage from fractures. Thus, it is important to map the traps and identify these fractures to find source rock(s).
As the geology of the study area is of Rift type, FTG is used to speed up the exploration which saves time, cost and delineate sub-basins and structures clearly, defining better targets.
Gulf of Mexico Multi-Client Programme
Re-processed Gulf of Mexico marine FTG data
67,000 sq kms of re-processed FTG data, useful for imaging salt structure in hydrocarbon exploration
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